A Thoroughly Christian Education, On Purpose

A Christian Education

“Christ is King!" At Doxa

No Education is Neutral

God must be neither removed from education nor simply tacked on. His truth should form every plank and beam, from the bottom to the top, of the structure of education, so we can raise our children fully in the training and admonition of the Lord. Our education should not look like the world’s. Every part of what we do to raise our kids should shout, “Christ is King!" At Doxa, we are thoroughly Christian in our goals, content, methods, and culture.

Christian Goals

Our children are precious gifts from God. We see an immediate need for solutions to the increasingly daunting threats they face to their well-being in today’s world. But we don’t want them merely to withstand worldly influences, but to prevail against them. This is not an attempt to shelter our children. We want them to bear the light of Christ for the purpose of repelling the darkness and performing the will of God in the world.

We reach far beyond academics—Doxa is all about whole-life discipleship. Our students are not only prepared for college and career, but for their entire lives. The intent is that, no matter what they do, from plumber to doctor, from stay-at-home mom to astronaut, they will glorify God and bless humanity.

Christian Content

First and foremost, we lead children to a living relationship with Jesus Christ through the Gospel. We teach the Biblical storyline and the Bible's answers to life's big questions, leading them to own the Christian faith for themselves.

This does not reduce our academics to Sunday School, but rather prepares students to think Christianly about everything. All truth is God’s truth. Christian education should bring all truth under Christ's lordship where it belongs. We seek to cultivate their love for God's truth through literature, their wonder for God's world through science, their trust in God's providence through history, and their appreciation for God's beauty through art.

Christian Methods

Because humans are made in God's image, learning should not be a mechanical or industrial process. Education is not merely the transfer of information but of a way of life. We want them to love and live out truth, beauty, and goodness wherever they go in life.

This unique goal demands a unique method. We don't look to the secular "experts" or reinvent the wheel of Christian Education ourselves. Instead, we look to the past to learn how Christians best educated their children throughout Church History. This "old-new" way is what we call Classical Education.

Christian Culture

We uphold the highest standards of Biblical morality, disciplining with grace to transform the heart, while rejecting behavior modification. We offer a rigorous, yet joyful education, developing children physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Our vision is that Doxa would be a lighthouse, a fortress, and a garden, such that our students grow to be lights, warriors, and fruitful trees.

Since God has given the responsibility of raising children to parents, we emphasize the role of families in education. Our goal is to create a godly community of families to befriend one another in our mutual endeavor to disciple our children and to serve Christ.

In The Reformed Tradition

Along with affirming those historic Christian creeds with which all orthodox Protestant Christians must agree, our school board and teachers cherish the sovereignty of God in salvation, or what is often referred to as Reformed theology. Such views are summarized in the 1689 London Baptist Confession and the Westminster Confession of Faith. Parents do not need to adhere to these doctrines for their child to be admitted, but they should know that a Reformed understanding of God, humanity, and salvation is emphasized in our curriculum, choice of hymns, and messages to students in our meetings.

Interested in learning more about our core beliefs?